Time to go skiing again, only this time I was going to get back on my board. So correction, it's time to ride! This is the first time I have ridden in about two years. I was very excited but was worried it would take some time to get used to being on a board again. Not the case. I once i latched down my bindings I was good to go.
It was nice seeing Yangji Resort at night this time. We went from about 2 pm until 9 pm. It was nice because when we went home this time the trip only took an hour and a half because there was no traffic on the road.
In between riding in the afternoon and night we hung out in the season pass lounge which is only for the premium pass holders. It is nice because they give you free soda and coffee and little munchies as well as free Internet and a warm place to relax.
Here is a view of that triple black diamond again. Obviously it is not a triple black. Maybe almost double black. It was pretty steep but again nothing like Ripcord.
I felt very comfortable riding again. It will take some time until I get full control over my body again but I was able to do a few things on the board.
did kj snowboard?!???!
i must say, those pink pants get me EVERY time! they are little cutie patooties!
No, she was still skiing. Definitely look forward to your return!
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